In Class Presentation
Recommended Age: 3 years
Purpose: To provide the child with the key to orient himself in the world of colour and development of the child’s chromatic sensitivity.
Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present the exercise for the first time, once shown the child may work independently.
- The child must be able to match colours which are the same.
- Colour Box 2 tablets (in paper form, see resource pack)
- None
- Invite the child, letting them know “Today we are going to work with Colour Box 2”
- Go with the child to their table, having them sit next to you (if you are right-handed, the child sits to your left and vice versa)
- Take out the red, blue and yellow tablets one at a time and place on table
- Invite the child to match the red, blue and yellow colour tablets, placing them to the left side of the table
- Take out the orange, purple and green colour tablets from the box as above and place on table, invite the child to match the tablets
- Set them aside under the red, blue and yellow tablets, mix all 6 tablets and invite the child to pair
- Take out the grey, pink and brown colour tablets from the box as above and place on table, match the tablets
- Mix all 9 tablets, invite the child to match all 9 (red, blue, yellow, orange purple, green, grey, pink and brown)
- Take out black and white tablets and place on table, invite the child to match the tablets, mix all 11 tablets
- Invite the child to match them
- Colour matching to the environment, where the child goes around their environment and finds objects which are the same colour as each of the 12 tablets (see example in video)