Recommended Age: 3 years and onwards Purpose: For the child to develop an understanding of the difference and interdependence of vertebrates and invertebrates, broadening their understanding of the world Level of Parent Involvement: Low, once modelled the child may complete this activity independently Prerequisites None Materials Vertebrates or invertebrates sorting chart PDF Vertebrates and invertebrate’s information sheet Scissors […]
Plant or animal sorting
Recommended Age: 3 years and onwards Purpose: For the child to develop an understanding of the difference and interdependence of plants and animals, broadening their understanding of the world Level of Parent Involvement: Low, once modelled the child may complete this activity independently Prerequisites None Materials Plants or animals sorting chart […]
Living or non-living sorting
Recommended Age: 3 years and onwards Purpose: For the child to develop an understanding of the difference and interdependence of living and non-living things, broadening their understanding of the world Level of Parent Involvement: Low, once modelled the child may complete this activity independently Prerequisites None Materials Living or non-living sorting chart […]
Land, water and air animals
Recommended Age: 3 years and onwards Purpose: for the child to broaden their understanding about the animal kingdom whilst furthering their ability to classify Level of Parent Involvement: Low, the adult must give the child instructions then the child may work independently Prerequisites The child must have some knowledge of animals and their characteristics The child […]
Animal heads and tails
Recommended Age: 3 years Purpose: For the child to broaden their understanding of animals and the way their bodies are made up Level of Parent Involvement: Low, once the resources have been prepared and the child has been shown they may work independently Prerequisites None Materials Animal heads and tails PDF Scissors […]
Animals of the continents
Recommended Age: 3 to 5 years Note: for younger children, sort the animal cards and introduce 2 continents at a time, older children may work with more Purpose: For the child to develop an understanding of the connection between animals and the continents they originate from Level of Parent Involvement: Low once the materials […]
World map
Recommended Age: 4 and ½ years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Low after the initial presentation of the continent cards, the child may paint their world map with low supervision after learning the names of the continents Prerequisites Prior to painting the map, the child should have a 3 period lessons to learn the names […]
Making a sandpaper globe
Recommended Age: 3 and ½ to 5 years Level of Parent Involvement: High, the parent must help the child make the sandpaper globe, once the globe is dried the child may work with it independently Prerequisites None Materials A smooth surfaced ball (medium sized) Blue acrylic paint Paint pot A paint brush Smock PVA glue Fine […]
Making a lava lamp
Recommended Age: 2 and ½ to 5 years Level of Parent Involvement: High, the parent must facilitate this experiment, the child may be involved in the steps but is not an activity which the child may do independently Prerequisites None Materials A clean plastic bottle with smooth sides Water A small jug A funnel Vegetable oil […]
Magic milk science experiment
Recommended Age: 2 and ½ to 5 years Level of Parent Involvement: High, the parent must facilitate this experiment, the child may be involved in the steps but is not an activity which the child may do independently Prerequisites None Materials A large shallow dish or bowl Food colouring (box of 4 colours, red, blue, green […]
Magnetic or non-magnetic
Recommended Age: 2 and ½ years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Low, the initial presentation is short then the child may work independently. The adult must set up the activity prior. Prerequisites None Materials A magnet wand (or a medium sized magnet) A shallow A4 tray A container to place the objects Magnetic/non-magnetic sorting […]
Map of Oceania
Recommended Age: 4 years onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the parent must facilitate the initial exercise, then low once the child has been shown and can work independently Prerequisites The child must be able to write (the child may copy the Oceania flash cards for correct spelling) The child must have the ability to remain […]
Colour mixing
Recommended Age: 2 to 4 years Level of Parent Involvement: Medium during the initial presentation, once the child can work independently they will require assistance to place the food colour into the jars Prerequisites None Materials 2 medium sized glass jars (old vegemite or jam jars work well or you can purchase small jars from most $2 dollar shops) A […]
Coin rubbing
Recommended Age: 3 years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Low, the initial exercise requires a short presentation, then you may leave the child to work independently Prerequisites None Materials One of each of Australian currency coins ($2, $1, 50c piece, 20c piece, 10c piece, 5 cent piece) A4 paper Crayons A container to keep the […]
Indigenous symbols in sand
Recommended Age: 3 years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, this exercise requires some preparation, low once the child has been shown and works independently Prerequisites None Materials Cards with indigenous symbols Tray with sides Coloured sand Tray to place the materials Small dustpan and brush for the child to independently sweep and sand […]
Celery experiment
Recommended Age: 4 years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Medium during the initial set up then low once the child monitors the celery experiment and writes/draws her own observations Prerequisites The child must be able to carry out a task with a sequence of steps in The child must have an interest in science experiments […]
Making indigenous handprints
Recommended Age: 2 and ½ years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, this activity requires adult assistance for younger children, low for older children once they have been shown Prerequisites None Materials Black, yellow and red washable paint 3 paint pots 3 paintbrushes Paper Preparation Put a small amount of black, yellow and red […]
Making an island and lake
Recommended Age: 2 and a half years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Medium the first time showing the child, then low when the child explores independently Prerequisites None Materials Sand Water Bucket or jug Preparation If you don’t have a sandpit at home you can take your child to the closest beach or […]
Flags of the World
Recommended Age: 4y+ Level of Parent Involvement: Medium Materials Book with flags of different countries, or a website with pictures of different flags, such as Small pieces of paper (about post card size) Variety of coloured pencils A small ruler Pencil Steps Choose a flag from the book or website and tell […]
All about the Italian Flag
Recommended Age: 3y+ Level of Parent Involvement: Low Prerequisites Device with access to youTube Materials Steps Set up a cosy listening place for your child (blanket, stuffed animal or small toy to hold, headphones, device nearby but not in the child’s hands). Have them use the bathroom before beginning. If possible, have the […]