Recommended Age: 4 years and onwards Purpose: To make possible further exploration of the child’s own language and to give more keys to reading, writing and spelling. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present this exercise to the child for the first time, once shown the child may repeat the exercise independently. Prerequisites […]
Video Guide
Addition strip board (Presentation 2)
Recommended age: 5 years and onwards (can be younger depending on the child’s skills and experiences) Purpose: To present the entire structure of addition and to help the child memorise the addition combinations Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present this exercise to the child, once the child has been shown they may work […]
100 Chain
Recommended Age: 4 and ½ to 5 and ½ years Purpose: To consolidate linear counting and to show the child skip counting. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present the exercise to the child first, once shown the child may work independently. Prerequisites The child must be able to recognise the numbers and […]
Teen Beads
Recommended Age: 4 to 5 years Purpose: To introduce the quantities 11 to 19 with their names and for the child to see the relationship of the numbers 1 to 9 to the number 10. Level of Parent Involvement: Low, the adult must present the exercise to the child, once modelled the child may continue […]
Teen Boards
Recommended Age: 4 to 5 years Purpose: To give the symbol and the names of numbers 11-19. Level of Parent Involvement: Low, the adult must present the exercise to the child, once modelled the child may continue the exercise independently. Prerequisites The child must be able to recognise numerals 1-10 The child must be able […]
Teen Beads and Boards
Recommended Age: 4 to 5 years Purpose: Association of the quantity, name and symbol for numbers 11 to 19. Level of Parent Involvement: Low, the adult must present the exercise to the child, once modelled the child may continue the exercise independently. Prerequisites The child must be able to recognise numerals 1-10 The child must […]
Numbers and counters
In Class Presentation: Recommended Age: 4 years and on (can be younger depending on the child’s experience and skills) Purpose: Verification that the child can sequence numbers 1-10 and correctly match the quantities that correspond to the symbols. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium initially to present the activity then low when the child works independently. Prerequisites Child must […]
Cutting strips
Recommended Age: 2 and 1/5 years and onwards Purpose: building manual dexterity in the child’s fingers and wrist. Through progressing through cutting strips as they increase in complexity, the child also builds their cutting skills, working towards being able to cut accurately. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium during initial presentation and setting up the activity then low […]
Constructive triangles (Box 1)
In Class Presentation Recommended Age: 4 years Purpose: To show the child that by joining together different triangles, 4 sided figures are formed and to prepare the child for later work in geometry. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium during the initial presentation then low once the child has been shown and can work independently. The adult must also […]
Constructive triangles box 3 (Triangular box)
In Class Presentation Recommended Age: 4 years and onwards Purpose: To show the child that equilateral triangles can be subdivided into other types of triangles and preparation for later work in geometry. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium during the initial presentation then low once the child has been shown and can work independently. The adult must […]
Sewing cards
In Class Presentation Recommended Age: 3 years and onwards Purpose: For the child to further develop their fine motor skills and concentration Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present the exercise to the child, then low supervision is required Prerequisites The child must have some degree of fine motor control in manipulating an instrument (the […]
Colour box 2
In Class Presentation Recommended Age: 3 years Purpose: To provide the child with the key to orient himself in the world of colour and development of the child’s chromatic sensitivity. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present the exercise for the first time, once shown the child may work independently. Prerequisites The […]
Colour box 3
Presentation Recommended Age: 3 and ½ to 4 and ½ years Purpose: For the child to visually discriminate shades of the same colour from darkest to lightest. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present the initial exercise, once the child has been shown they may work independently. Prerequisites The child must be able […]
Number Rods
Presentation Recommended Age: 4 years and onwards (can be younger depending on the child’s skills and experiences). Purpose: To learn the names and the sequence of numbers from 1-10. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present the activity for the first time, once the child has been shown they may revisit the exercise […]
Number rods and cards
Presentation Recommended Age: 4 years (can be younger depending on the child’s skills and experience). Purpose: For the child to associate the concrete quantities with the written symbols and the names for the numbers 1 to 10 and to introduce the sequence of the symbols. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present the […]
Spindle boxes
Presentation Recommended Age: Around 4 years OR after the child has worked with the number rods and cards. Purpose: Work with the spindle boxes introduces zero as the absence of quantity or the empty set. The Spindle Boxes introduces the concept of numbers as a quantity of separate objects together and reinforces the natural sequence […]
Sandpaper numerals
Presentation Recommended Age: 4 years (can be younger depending on the child’s skills and experiences). Purpose: To introduce the child to the symbols for the numbers 1-9 and to prepare the child for writing numerals. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present the sandpaper numerals, 3 each time until the child memorises all numerals […]
Sandpaper letters
Presentation Recommended Age: 3 to 3 and ½ years and onwards Purpose: To give the child the symbols for the phonemes of their own language by means of 3 senses (tactile, auditory and visual). The sandpaper letters directly prepare the child for writing and reading and stimulates further exploration of their own language. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult […]
Metal Insets
Presentation Recommended Age: 4 years and onwards Purpose: Mastery of the hand in using and controlling a writing instrument (both in keeping within limits and lightness of touch) and refinement of the writing hand. Through work with the Metal Insets the child develops a sense of geometric design and stimulates their artistic sense. Level […]
Moveable Alphabet
Presentation Recommended Age: 3 and ½ years and onwards Purpose: To help the child in the exploration and analysis of known language and to reproduce words with graphic symbols. Working with the moveable alphabet directly prepares the child for reading and writing. Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present the exercise to the […]