Recommended Age: 3 and ½ to 4 and ½ years
Purpose: For the child to visually discriminate shades of the same colour from darkest to lightest.
Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must present the initial exercise, once the child has been shown they may work independently.
- The child must be able to match and name the colours from Colour Box 2
- A set of colour tablets (7 shades) from Colour Box 3, see resource pack
- None
- Invite the child, letting them know that you will be showing them some colour tablets from Colour Box 3
- The child may choose which shade they would like to grade (we will use the example of blue for the purpose of this exercise)
- Grade the tablets from dark to light, placing the first tablet to the left, telling the child “I am going to find the bluest, which one comes next?” placing the following tablet to the right of the previous each time
- Mix tablets up
- Invite the child to grade the tablets
- Leave the child to work independently, once they have finished come back to check, if the child can grade correctly they may choose another shade to grade
- Colour matching to the environment (see photo), the child finds objects in the environment of the same shade