Learning to use the toilet independently is a meaningful milestone for toddlers, giving them a deeply personal way to experience their autonomy and the ability to meet their own needs. We often refer to this season as “potty training,” but in Montessori, we call it “toilet learning.” This might seem like a matter of semantics, […]
How do I get a child to do things that they dislike?
Here’s a common concern amongst parents and educators: How do I get a child to do things that they dislike? Children need to develop inner discipline, the thought goes, and life does indeed involve at least occasionally doing unpleasant things. We train a child’s capacity for inner discipline by training her capacity to do things […]
Why you need Montessori at Home
What if there were an easier way to raise children? Right now we are juggling work, home, wanting to enjoy ourselves and our family, as well as being a part of our community, alongside serious concerns about humanity, the impact of technologies, and our planet. We believe that Montessori is the antidote we need. Instead […]
They Who are Strong are Ready
Whilst there are many highlights during a child’s Montessori journey with us, the highlight is often the graduation ceremony, a celebration to honour the children leaving us & moving on to primary school. In the lead up, final parent teacher meetings are held, the child’s progress is reviewed & transition reports prepared. It’s wonderful receiving […]
Is Montessori education a solution to war?
My objection to Montessori’s view of education as the panacea is that, even if it’s true, it just can’t be achieved in isolation. We have to fix the child’s world and the adult’s world in parallel.
Montessori’s 19 Lessons on Childhood Should Be Applied At All Stages of Life
While the history of Dr. Montessori is not only impressive but fascinating, what I’m most intersted in, however, are the lessons she can teach us about children and ourselves. For she believed, “A child is mysterious and powerful and contains within himself the secret of human nature.” And I believe that if we can understand children […]
Montessori Basics: What is the Montessori work period?
You may already know a bit about the Montessori work period, also known as the work cycle. What exactly is it, and why is it so important? A Montessori work cycle is an uninterrupted block of time. During this time children are able to explore the prepared environment and engage with materials of their own […]
5 Montessori Ways to Show Love
As parents, our interest in Montessori comes always from a place of love–expressed as a desire to provide the best environment possible for our baby’s learning! Montessori is sometimes known as “education for peace,” which intimately connects it with love. Maria Montessori, the founder of the Montessori curriculum and an expert on early childhood development, […]
The ultimate list of Montessori activities for babies, toddlers and preschoolers
Download The ultimate list of Montessori activities for babies, toddlers and preschoolers provided by The Montessori Notebook.com
Eighty Ways to Promote Independence at Home.
You may think your toddler is relatively dependent and that the things they do around the house don’t matter, but you’d be wrong. Simple actions parents take at home can have a long lasting impact on the way your child enters their first years of school. Here are 80 life skills you can allow your […]
Happy Birthday Maria Montessori
August 31st is a special day. Maria Montessori would have turned 149. She passed in 1952, but her legacy lives on. Children all over the world are working daily in classrooms just like the one she cobbled together in 1907. Adults are witnessing the same discoveries she made. Generations later, has childhood really changed all […]
Five tips to bring Montessori Home
Families want to be supportive of their children’s development. We all get the same 24 hours in the day, so whether our work is unpaid as a primary caregiver or takes us outside the home for most of the day and many special occasions, between chores and school and sleep and the zillion other unnameable […]
When We Get Mad at Children
Most of us who work with children and/or have children of our own know well that little boys and girls are not the only ones who can find it challenging to handle anger and stress. We can too, of course. A significant challenge when being around children can be stress. That stress has many different […]
Why “Good Job!” Doesn’t Cut It: A Montessori Perspective On Praise
First of all, who doesn’t say “good job!” to their kids? It’s a catch-all sort of praise that you can easily blurt out while you’re also skimming the news, chopping vegetables or peeking out of the bathroom to watch your child do some sort of jumpy twirly move that he’s obviously very proud of. Yet, […]
They’re Called Guides
There’s this beautiful quote from Dr. Montessori’s Words of Advice to Teachers, published 95 years ago. “She must give her lesson, plant the seed and then disappear; observing and waiting, but not touching.” May 6th marks the anniversary of Dr. Montessori’s passing, and, like many dates of note, often has us feeling a bit sentimental. We’re […]
Why do we have plants in the classroom ?
A quick glance into many Montessori classrooms will showcase not just students, guide, materials, and furniture, but also often plants. Why is that? Does the teacher just like ferns, or is there a reason? As usual, there is always a reason in Montessori. For why we have plants, there are several reasons! Let’s explore those together. […]
Montessori, Work.
What do you think of when you think of work? What do your family members, colleagues, peers, employees, and children say or think? If you google, “define work,” you will come up with a definition that you will probably find surprising. Using the word work as a verb, it states, “be engaged in physical or […]
Toilet Awareness Learning & Independence
Children are aware and can be introduced to toilet learning and independence as soon as they are autonomously mobile. They will often show signs of readiness long before the adults are organised to help them achieve toilet independence. As adults we have little control of our children toileting, what we do have control of, is […]
Modern writing in Montessori
We’re very concerned with preparing children for the future. It’s a very unsteady time to be a parent. The world has changed more in the past ten years than in the past hundred, and things really aren’t slowing down. We’re using more technology for more common daily activities, and one thing is for sure, it’s […]
Redirection in Montessori
How does redirection work in a Montessori environment & what can you practice to make things easier.