Recommended Age: 4y+ Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, until your child has had more practice Prerequisites Able to count up to 10 individual objects Can identify and recognise numbers 1 to 9 Materials Shallow tray, wooden box or baking tray Light coloured sand A short ruler or piece of wood to smooth the sand […]
Parent Involvement: Medium
Getting Dressed – Long/short sleeved T-Shirt
Recommended Age: 18m+ Level of Parent Involvement: Medium – until the child has practiced the activity several times, then low Prerequisites None Materials A limited choice of T-shirts A mirror at the child’s level (optional, but highly recommended) Steps Provide two options of clean shirts in a drawer or other place accessible to your child. […]
Flower Petal Painting
Recommended Age: 2+ Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, mostly preparation Materials Flowers Card stock Bowl of water Steps Explain to your child that petals can be used to paint paper Show your child how to pluck petals from a flower Invite your child to pluck the remaining petals When the petals are all plucked, place them […]
Measuring with Blocks
Recommended Age: 3.5y+ Level of Parent Involvement: Medium – may need to help with the counting Prerequisites Can count loose objects accurately Materials Blocks (Use larger blocks to start off with. Once you have established the child’s counting ability, you can change the size of the blocks accordingly.) Steps Start to lay out a row of blocks on the floor, invite the child to help you. When the row […]
Getting Dressed – Pants
Recommended Age: 18m+ Level of Parent Involvement: Medium – until the child has practiced the activity several times, then low Prerequisites None Materials A limited choice of elastic waisted pants A mirror at your child’s level (optional, but highly recommended) Steps Provide two options of clean pants in a drawer or other […]
Heavy and Light
Heavy and Light Recommended Age: 4+ Level of Parent Involvement: Low, once shown Materials 2 baskets, trays, or other containers A list of items to weigh (rock, penny, pencil, bottle filled with water, spoon, crayon, magnet, chalk, candle, book) Steps Define the terms “heavy” and “light” for your child, using an example of each. Example: use a penny for “light” and a book for “heavy.” Ask them […]
Sorting Books by Colour
Sorting Books by Colour Recommended Age: 3.5+ Level of Parent Involvement: Medium Materials : Bookshelf with books that the child can reach Steps: Invite your child to help you organise a shelf with books. (Start with one shelf, and if the child is interested, you can always start another shelf). Place a mat or towel on the floor, as the designated […]
Setting the Table
Setting the Table Recommended Age: 18m+ Level of Parent Involvement: Medium; low once they get the hang of it! Materials Placemats or tablecloth Napkins Silverware Dishes and cups (for an older child) Steps Show the child how to carry one thing at a time, walking slowly from the kitchen to the table. Let him know what comes first, […]