Recommended Age: 3 years Level of Parent Involvement: Low Prerequisites None Materials 2 sticks (ensure the sticks to no have sharp ends if using sticks collected from nature, you may also like to use chop sticks) Ribbon in different colours Scissors Preparation None (aside from sourcing the materials) Steps Invite the child letting them know […]
Movement Activity
String obstacle course
Recommended Age: 3 years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Low, the parent must initially set up the exercise by laying out the string with masking tape, once the obstacle course has been prepared the child may play independently Prerequisites None Materials String Masking tape Preparation Create an obstacle course by using the string […]
Feather and straw race
Recommended Age: 3 and ½ years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Low, this exercise is simple to set up and model, once the child has been shown they may do the activity independently or play with an older sibling or family member Prerequisites The child must be able to blow air through a straw […]
Recommended Age: 3 to 5 years Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult must facilitate this exercise, once shown the child may play with a sibling or another family member Prerequisites In order to play independently the child must know left from right The child must be able to identify the colours blue, red, green and […]
Balancing on masking tape shapes
Recommended Age: 3 to 5 years Level of Parent Involvement: Low, mainly supervision and commands Prerequisites None, this exercise allows the child to build their balance and control and coordination of movement through repetition and the variations Materials Masking tape Small jug, bean bag, cup and ball (for variations) Preparation In a large space […]
Indoor bowling
Recommended Age: 3 years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Low, this exercise is simple to set up and once the child has been shown they may do the exercise independently Prerequisites The child must be able to roll a ball Materials 10 plastic cups A soft ball A long hallway (or another […]
Movement with a bean bag
Recommended Age: 2 and ½ years to 5 years, the level of complexity of this activity can be tailored to the age and abilities of the child Level of Parent Involvement: High, this activity requires the adult to give instructions to the child to guide them through. Prerequisites None Materials 2 bean bags […]
Animal walking
Recommended Age: 2 and ½ years and onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, the adult facilitates this exercise for the first time then the child may work independently with the basket Prerequisites The child must have some knowledge of different animals and the way which they move (If you feel your child needs more experience before […]
Small muscle movements
Recommended Age: 2 and ½ years onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, this exercise requires the adult to facilitate Prerequisites None Materials None Preparation None Steps Invite the child to the activity, this activity may be done with siblings as usually in the Montessori 3-6 classroom this exercise is done in a group or […]
Large muscle movements
Recommended Age: 2 and ½ years onwards Level of Parent Involvement: Medium, this exercise is facilitated by the adult Prerequisites None Materials None Preparation None Steps Invite the child to the activity, this activity may be done with siblings as usually in the Montessori 3-6 classroom this exercise is done in a group or […]