Recommended Age: 3y+
Level of Parent Involvement: Low, mostly preparation and supervision
- 4 differently shaped varieties of pasta – 10 pieces of each shape (the differences in shape should be easily discernible)
- 4 small bowls that are the same as each other (for the different shapes of pasta)
- 1 larger bowl (for all of the pieces of pasta)
- A tray
- Show your child one piece of each differently shaped pasta and explain that, even though they are all different shapes, they are all still pasta. Let your child feel each piece of pasta and tell him the names of the different shapes.
- Place one piece of each differently shaped pasta in a separate small bowl.
- Indicating the piece of pasta in the first small bowl, explain to your child that you are going to put all of the pieces that are the same shape in that bowl. Ask your child to help you to find the relevant pieces of pasta.
- Invite your child to sort the rest of the pasta according to its shape, placing each different shape in a different small bowl.
- Challenge your child to wear a blindfold as he sorts the pasta.
- Add different varieties of pasta that have less discernible differences.
- Choose other collections of objects to sort according to their shape. For example, shells, buttons, Lego blocks, etc.
- Provide your child with a small pair of tongs/a pair of tweezers to use to sort the objects.