Recommended Age: 3 years and onwards
Purpose: For the child to form letters correctly and for them to connect the sound of letters with their written symbol.
Level of Parent Involvement: Low, the adult must model the activity for the child then the child may work independently.
- The child must have had many experiences in sound games
- The child must have begun working with the sandpaper letters
- A4 paper
- Writing pencil
- Different coloured pencils (6-10)
- None
- Invite the child letting them know that you will be showing them how to make rainbow letters
- Bring the paper and the Sandpaper letters from the resource pack (a, s and t) to the table
- Let the child know that they will need their coloured pencils, they may bring them to the table
- Sit down so that the child has full view of your dominant hand when writing (for example if you are right handed, have the child sit to your left)
- Take out the sand paper letters from the resource pack (a, s and t)
- Say to the child, “do you remember these sounds?”
- If the child can recall all 3 sand paper letters, ask the child to choose their favourite out of the 3
- If the child cannot recall any of the letters do a 3-period lesson with a, s and t (see video)
- Once the child has chosen a letter, show the child how to trace
- Invite the child to trace
- Take the writing pencil demonstrating correct pencil grip and write the letter in the middle of the page so that it takes up most if the page, saying the sound as you write the letter
- Let the child know that you are now going to turn the letter into a rainbow letter
- Take one of the coloured pencils and trace over the top of the letter in the exact same way
- Place the pencil down and choose another colour, repeat
- Continue tracing over the top of the letter until you have used all of the colours
- Take a new piece of paper and invite the child to make their own rainbow letter
- Leave the child to work independently
- Making rainbow letters on a chalk board, or on the pavement outdoors