Recommended Age: 2.5y+
Level of Parent Involvement: Low
- Can match objects/pictures that are the same
- A variety of clean socks from family members – the differences in the pairs of socks should be easily discernible.
- A basket to put the socks in
- Separate the pairs of socks and mix them together before putting them in the basket
- Show the child how to take one sock at a time out of the basket and lay it flat on the work surface with the toes closest to you. Invite the child to help you to finish taking the socks out of the basket, arranging them in a line.
- Indicating the first sock on the left–hand side, explain to the child that you are going to find the sock that matches it. Look along the line of socks, indicate the matching sock and tell the child that it is the same, pick up the sock and place it exactly on top of the first sock. Repeat the process for another pair of socks.
- Invite the child to match the rest of the socks.
- Show the child how to fold the pair of socks in half – grasp the tops of the socks, lift them up and towards the toes to fold the pair in half. Repeat the process for another pair of socks.
- Invite the child to fold the other pairs of socks in half.
- Hold your non-dominant hand out flat, palm uppermost (this is your left hand if you are right-handed). Pick up a folded pair of socks with your dominant hand and place it on your left hand so that the fold aligns with the ends of your fingers.
- Place your left thumb inside the top sock and hold the pair of socks firmly. Grasp the edge of top sock and pull it over the end of your fingers to keep the pair of socks together (Note – try to move slowly and make your movements as clear as possible). Repeat the process for two more pairs of socks.
- Invite the child to finish folding the other pairs of socks.
- Choose pairs of socks that are more similar (e.g. pairs of white socks that have different patterns on them, black sock that have different types of tops, etc.)