Recommended Age: 3y+
Level of Parent Involvement: Low, mostly preparation and supervision
- Sidewalk chalk for outdoors
- A concrete/paved drive or pathway
- Using the sidewalk chalk, draw a long line with straight sections, turns and loops on the concrete drive/pathway.
- Explain to your child that you are going to walk on the line.
- Model for your child how you walk carefully with small steps along the line from one end to the other.
- Invite your child to walk on the line for as long as she would like to.
- Challenge your child to walk along the line in different ways. For example, on tiptoe, sideways, backwards, etc.
- Provide your child with a variety of objects to carry as she walks along the line. For example, a beanbag carried on her head/shoulder, a bell without letting it ring, a glass of water, etc.
- Draw different types of lines for your child to walk on. For example, a dashed line, a zig-zag line.
- Draw shapes, numbers or letters for your child to walk on.
- Invite your child to draw her own lines.
- If it is wet outside, use painter’s masking tape to create similar experiences indoors.