Recommended Age: 3 to 5 years
Purpose: For the child to connect the colours used in colour box 2, to objects found in the natural outdoor environment
Level of Parent Involvement: Low, once the activity has been explained to the child, the child may work independently with low supervision
- The child can pair and identify the colour tablets from colour box 2
- The child has played an environment game with the colour tablets from colour box 2 (indoors)
- Magnifying glass
- Clipboard
- Pencil
- Coloured textas or pencils
- Colour hunt PDF
- Print Colour hunt PDF
- Invite the child letting them know that they are going to go on a nature colour hunt
- Notice the weather with the child, inviting the child to get ready accordingly (sun hat, jacket, shoes etc)
- Show the child the printed colour hunt paper, letting them know that they will be searching for objects outdoors to match the colours
- Show the child the clip board and pencil
- Attach the papers to the clip board
- The child may bring their textas pencils
- Invite the child to go for a walk in their backyard to find items which match the colours on their sheet
- Once the child has found something, they may draw it in the space next to the colour (if the child can write they may also write the item they have found)
- If the child’s backyard doesn’t have many of the colours you may go for a walk with the child around your neighbourhood to find items
- After the Covid restrictions have been lifted, this exercise is a great resource for the child to do at a place such as the botanical gardens or zoo where they are more likely to find colourful natural items as opposed to finding things in their backyard or going for a walk