Montessori Schools and Centres Australia are hosting The Rite Journey Parenting Plan by Andrew Lines on Wednesday August 11th at 7.00pm AEST. This practical workshop is for ALL parents and uses birthdays as a ‘transition template’ for raising responsible adults. It will begin by exploring the world that our children live in, the effects of parenting […]
News & Blog
Monte Movie Night
Northwest Montessori Screening of the movie Let the Child be the Guide, a movie about Montessori
Uncovering the Universal Potential of Childhood – Online Montessori Conference
Our friends at Childhood Potential, a group of Montessori educators and enthusiasts, have organised another online conference following the success of last years event. This time there are even more speakers and additional days filled with inspiration and information to help you better understand your child have been added. The organiser and all the participants […]
What is scaffolding in Montessori?
I’m often asked, “What is scaffolding in Montessori?” Scaffolding put simply is building one skill on the next. When I first entered a Montessori classroom, I saw the beautiful materials laid out on open shelves in a clear order. Once the children master a skill, they move onto the next, each building on the next. […]
Montessori’s 19 Lessons on Childhood Should Be Applied At All Stages of Life
While the history of Dr. Montessori is not only impressive but fascinating, what I’m most intersted in, however, are the lessons she can teach us about children and ourselves. For she believed, “A child is mysterious and powerful and contains within himself the secret of human nature.” And I believe that if we can understand children […]
How to stay calm – the ultimate guide for parents
Want to stay calm as a parent? Wondering how to keep calm when your child is losing it? Or if the kids are fighting (again)? These are all the things I’ve learned from my Montessori training, from working in a Montessori classroom for over 10 years, as well as from being in the trenches raising […]
A Montessori approach to discipline
There is a common misconception that Montessori children are allowed to do whatever they like, and another that Montessori is very strict. In reality, Montessori falls in the middle of these two extremes. The word discipline doesn’t mean to punish. It is actually based on the root word “disciple” which means “to teach” or […]
The Science of Resilience
Reducing the effects of significant adversity on young children’s healthy development is critical to the progress and prosperity of any society. Yet not all children experience lasting harm as a result of adverse early experiences. Some may demonstrate “resilience,” or an adaptive response to serious hardship. A better understanding of why some children do well […]
Staying neutral, dealing with siblings
You know the scene. Two children both want the same thing. Or one of them is hurting the other. Or they are complaining and nagging each other. We can’t help ourselves, we come to the rescue. “Why don’t you go first and then the other one can have a turn next?” “Why are you always […]
Mindfulness for Kids
How to Meditate with Your Kids By teaching children meditation and mindfulness skills we help them increase their well-being and enable them to meet the stresses of the world with presence, self-compassion, and openness. In order to help kids of all ages find their way into practicing mindfulness, it can be helpful to give them […]
Montessori Everywhere – 30 August 2020
“Join us in celebrating Dr Montessori’s 150th birthday in this global 1-day event – Montessori Everywhere. A day of connection, celebration and challenging ourselves to see how Montessori can respond in the 21st century.
A Monument for Children
In honor of Maria Montessori’s 150th birthday, an Italian architect and artist named Matteo Ferroni is crafting a sculpture of her as a monument for children. The sculpture will live in a public square in Perugia, Italy—known as a “Montessori City” because of the training center that Maria founded there in 1950, and because today, 1 […]
Can Montessori Be Taught Online?
Maria Montessori herself believed that education should be a pliable concept—one that is flexible and can be adapted to meet not only the needs of the child, but the constraints of the environment as well. With the current public health crisis and resulting school closures, you might be asking yourself whether or not Montessori can […]
Brain Matters
Carlota Nelson, in her ground-breaking documentary, answers these questions in an enlightening globe-trotting journey about what truly helps make children realize their full potential. BRAIN MATTERS reveals that learning begins way before children go to school and that it’s the experiences children are exposed to that determine their chances for future success. Everyday situations such […]
Anti-racist resources for Montessori families
Dr Montessori believed in education for peace. I believe in peace. Right now it breaks my heart that people do not feel safe in their own skin. Simone from Montessori Notebook has curated the most useful resources she has found. Follow the links that feel good for you where you are on your racial justice […]
Connecting the Brain to the Rest of the Body
A growing understanding of how responsive relationships and language-rich experiences for young children help build a strong foundation for later success in school has driven increased investment and sparked innovation in early learning around the world. The rapidly advancing frontiers of 21st-century biological sciences now provide compelling evidence that the foundations of lifelong health are […]
Montessori Classroom Principles Work at Home, Too!
A Montessori child chooses independent geography work using simple, screen-free materials at home. As we continue to work and learn during school closures, it is helpful to remember a few simple Montessori classroom principles that can be applied at home. Time In Montessori classrooms, children are not rushed—there is an uninterrupted work period all morning […]
5 Ways Montessori Can Support Social Distancing
Schools across the country are desperately trying to work out how social distancing could work this winter and into spring. With no timescale for when the Covid-19 crisis will end, it is not just a question of meeting government guidelines but allaying the fears of parents now and well into the future. Many people will […]
How Does COVID-19 Relate to Child Development?
You’ve almost certainly heard of COVID-19 at this point. In fact, your life is probably very different than it was before the outbreak. You may be one of the billions of people around the world being asked to stay home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. These stay-at-home orders mean children […]
Distance Learning in Times of Disaster
By Letty Rising and Elizabeth Slade Without warning, children across the country have experienced a dramatic shift in how they participate in daily learning. In addition, children who relied on social service connections and food service programs provided at school were suddenly without these essential resources. Educators have put their heads together to experiment […]